The Benefits of Staging a Home

Its been proven that staged homes sell faster. Why? The stager is coming in with fresh eyes and ideas on what the space could look like. Fresh colors and a clean look is what sells a home. A well staged home will stand out to potential buyers. A common question is…. Is it worth it to stage my home? Yes! The question should be is… Is it worth not to stage? Let’s do the math. How much is one months mortgage? How much is 3 months of mortgage? If your home is sitting and not selling it is costing you more in the long run. A staged home sells faster than an unstaged home. Why? People need help with imagining how a home could look like with them living there. A stager is like an artist for the interior of your home. They come in do their magic and in the end you wish you staged sooner. In fact many buyers will ask if they can purchase some furniture pieces from the stager they love it so much.

Our approach is let’s give you the best chance of selling your home for the highest price possible from day one. Leslie is an amazing stager because she comes in with her gift to transform your home into a home that you wished you lived in all along! Offers are not far away when she does her girl magic on your home. Have a look at Leslie’s website!

